CBT is psychological intervention in order to improve mental health of the patient. This therapy focuses on challenging and changing thought pattern, attitude and behavior. CBT is originally designed to treat depression. It is widely used to treat addiction.

The individuals struggling with substance is often diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and psychotic order. CBT focuses on thinking patterns and emotional behavior responsible for cause of addiction. CBT is effective treatment method for substance abuse.

CBT is action-oriented and problem focused therapy program that benefits

  • CBT helps in identifying behavior patterns and beliefs which lead to self destructing actions.
  • CBT helps the patient in finding and adopting alternate thinking.
  • CBT can be provided in both, individual or group therapy.
  • CBT skills and strategies are practical and can be used in daily life.
  • CBT also helps in dealing with stress triggering situations that may lead to relapse.

CBT is different from traditional therapies. Since therapist and the patient are both actively involved in this, they work together to find solutions in order to achieve recovery of the patient. CBT may require practice or homework for patient outside therapy sessions.

CBT helps in addiction treatment by

  • There is always some presumed beliefs or false beliefs associated with individuals struggling with drugs/alcohol. CBT helps in replacing those beliefs with practical and positive approach for analyzing the cause of that belief.
  • Prolonged addict of any drug/alcohol often seems to have mood swings, some time very intense. CBT provide self-help tools to cope up with mood swings.
  • In general an addict struggles to communicate about his/her feelings with anyone. CBT teaches effective communication skills. This helps the patient in avoiding situations that may lead to consume drugs/alcohol.


These techniques or methods are designed to overcome issues responsible for situations or instances that may lead to desire of taking drugs/alcohol.

  • Thought Records

The general tendency of an addict is negative. There thinking pattern is developed in such way that they will find some excuse to support their taking drugs or drinking. This technique will help in compare those thought with reasonable and balanced thoughts and positive approach to evaluate their thinking.

  • Behavioral Experiments

In this technique the therapist finds out best type of thoughts that are effective in changing behavior patterns. For instance some people responds positively by self-criticism and change their habit or for some people it’s different they respond well by self-kindness. In order to dismiss or change habit of addiction, this experiment is a helpful tool.

  • Imagery Based Exposure

This is a distinct exercise used for the addicts who take drugs/drink because of anxiety. In this exercise the patient thinks of a negative memory that produces anxiety. Patient made to take note of every detail of that memory. By repeating this exercise over time the desire of taking drugs/drink will reduce.

  • Activity Schedule

The primary objective of this exercise is to replace the idle time available time at patients hand with some resourceful and healthy activity. The chances of taking drugs/drink are reduced as by allotting the idle time, which may had been used for something that triggers craving.

CBT is proven to be helpful all over the world in addiction treatment. In addition this not only helps in recovery but also in relapse prevention, as its different exercise can be helpful in avoiding drugs/drink in daily life routine.


Nasha Mukti kendra Bhopal

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