
SHRI G.K.S. Nasha Mukti Kendra Baloda Bazar is one of the leading anti-drug treatment center’s in Baloda Bazar ,committed to drug abuse prevention, control, treatment and rehabilitation of those dependent to any type of Addiction.

Our Center Information

We provide our services in this district and our center is located in Bhopal.

हम अपनी सेवायें इस जिले में प्रदान करते हैं और हमारा केंद्र भोपाल में स्तिथ हैं

Our services of de-addiction and rehabilitation are available from the city of Baloda Bazar. We had many patients of various addiction from alcohol to synthetic drugs from Baloda Bazar. Many patients and families has been benefited from our services of nasha mukti Baloda Bazar and rehabilitation center Baloda Bazar.

Disease of addiction is severe black spot on our society. The youth of new generation are getting indulge more now days in this evil of addiction. The addiction of any substance not only affects the health of the addict but it also destroys social stature of entire family. Prolonged addiction of substances like alcohol, ganja, charas, smack etc tends to effect families economy and relation.

We have data that shows the influence of drugs like smack and ganja is gaining popularity in Baloda Bazar district. There is no medication through which we can prevent this disease although by therapy and specially designed treatment programs we can successfully overcome this evil of addiction.

Baloda Bazar is biggest city of chhattisgarh which nationally well connected. In Baloda Bazar every illicit drug is available. There has been significant growth in consumption of illicit drug in every big city of North India and Baloda Bazar is no exception. The only way for complete recovery is through specially designed therapy and programs to address the issue of addiction.

It is always better to seek help at earlier stage of any addiction since it is a disease which gets worse with the time.

You can also avail our services from entire district of Baloda Bazar all round the clock for 365 days. best nasha mukti kendra in Baloda Bazar, rehab in Baloda Bazar chhattisgarh

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Nasha Mukti Kendra Jabalpur