All most everybody knows that smoking cigarettes is harmful, this fact is known to children also. In spite of being crystal clear about the effects of smoking people starts to smoke! The main reason for the first time trying to smoke a cigarette is no other than curiosity. The majority of people who smoke regularly had started smoking in their teens. Therefore the obvious question arises, why do people smoke? The answer is very simple, smoking is severely addictive. There are many individuals who are looking for a way out of this addiction; they keep on asking themselves and others “how to quit smoking”. 

First of all, we have to understand that we cannot get rid of any habit overnight. To make our bad habits go away, we have to keep calm and have patience. There are a few tips on how to quit smoking.

  1. Avoid unnecessarily hanging out on the spots where you generally go to smoke.

  2. You might not be able to completely ignore all the people in your life who smokes but you can try to avoid people when they are smoking.

  3. You should get inputs from your family, friends and work colleagues by asking them how to quit smoking.

  4. Tell your friends to keep a check on you especially on rough days.

  5. Get rid of everything like an ashtray, empty cigarette boxes, lighter or anything that reminds you of smoking.

  6. Plan your day in advance, whether on last night or on an early morning in order to avoid smoking.

  7. Always keep yourself motivated to your commitment to quitting smoking.

You can also consult your doctor on how to quit smoking, where they can prescribe you medicine or gum to suppress physical craving. You can also try local pharmacy shops for products such as chewing gum, nicotine patch, etc. as an alternative for smoking.

There are many individuals who are heavy smokers. For them smoking a cigarette is just like muscle memory, they automatically lit the cigarette at a particular time. How to quit smoking in such cases is more complex than general smoking cases as in heavy smokers, there is always the possibility of nicotine withdrawal. The symptoms are headache, anxiety, nervousness decreased appetite, constipation, insomnia, depression, etc. 

However, the phase of nicotine withdrawal is temporary. After 3-5 days the toxins will be flushed out of the system and eventually, the body will become normal.

While implementing tricks and techniques of how to quit smoking, one must also seriously avoid triggers of smoking such as

Alcohol – many people often tend to smoke when consuming alcoholic drinks. Let alone try to avoid alcoholic drinks at all even if can’t then try to consume drinks in the place where smoking is prohibited.

Keep yourself away – you must remain in the company of the non-smoking person at your breaks at the workplace. Try to remain with the family members, as you might not smoke in front of them.

After having a meal – some smokers made a ritual like it is customary to light a cigarette after a meal or when using a bathroom. You must try to change or replace this habit with alternatives like having a sweet or dessert after a meal.

Smoking, along with cancer is solely responsible for major health issues. How to quit smoking is challenging but not an impossible task. With careful planning of daily routine and motivation, any individual can quit this habit. First of all, you have to start saying no to your urges or craving, this no is the first step of how to quit smoking. 

The strongest point of any men or women in how to quit smoking is of dedication and will power to the commitment. Quitting smoking is not easy task because with the time passes under the addiction, cigarettes smoking somehow become our reflex.


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