About our Drug Detox Programme

During your drug detox programme at Shri Gks rehabilitation centre you receive 24-hour a day medical observation on an ‘inpatient’ basis.Withdrawal symptoms are closely monitored 24 hours. Since our detox programme is residential you are physically removed from bad influences which encouraged drug-taking behaviour. Sedation based medication use to treat opiates addicts, where a number of opiate blockers are administer into the bloodstream.Other medications are also prescribed to lessen withdrawal symptoms of other addictive drugs. All detox plans are fully personalized and so medication you receive during this time is completely based on the individual.

What happens after drug detoxification?

Once your drug detoxification programme has concluded, your programme will continue in the form of various counselling and therapy sessions. A qualified psychiatrist will give psychotherapy sessions in form of group or individual sessions. This stage of rehabilitation is designed to help you build powerful coping strategies to avoid relapsing once you leave.

Drug detox is the process o flushing away all the toxins from your blood stream. Because drugs you consume alter brain chemistry, you will experience a number of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms during a drug detox. The severity of symptoms depends upon the specific drug you are addicted to and the duration of your addiction.

During early detox, you may be offered prescription drugs such as Buprenorphine and Naltrexone to ease withdrawal symptoms. You are able to opt for ‘cold turkey’ based drug detox after your condition require no medicines.

What are the stages of a drug detox programme?

By far the hardest part of any drug detox is the initial 48 hours. During this time, withdrawal symptoms are likely to be on peak. However, during your detox program the medications will help in offsetting withdrawal symptoms to a comfortable level. During a drug detox, you will benefit from medical supervision. This helps to ensure your needs are met during this testing time. Withdrawal symptoms will vary in severity depending upon the drug which you had been addict to. Some drugs are merely psychologically addictive. This means no physical withdrawal symptoms such a detox. Other drugs, such as opiates, are physically addictive, and so you will suffer from physical withdrawal symptoms during this type of drug detox.

Some examples of opiate withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, muscle aches, anxiety, sweating, watering of the eyes, and uncontrollable kicking. These symptoms are best treated by consuming a partial opiate agonists such as Subutex. In contrast to alcohol withdrawal symptoms, the symptoms you may experience during a typical drug detox are not life-threatening. However, since withdrawal symptoms are highly discomforting, we must not diminish the importance of seeking out the assistance of drug rehab clinic in helping in detox of drugs. It is essential to address psychological withdrawal symptoms from an underlying mental illness. Many drug detox methods will only serve to aggravate mental illnesses. For instance, when you detox from certain drugs, you are likely to become paranoid, you may even experience psychosis. These psychological withdrawal symptoms could mean you become a danger to yourself or to others.

The severity of drug withdrawal symptoms

Drug detox essentially involves the managed cessation of drug consumption. The intensity of these symptoms varies from person to person. The key factors that affect the severity of withdrawal symptoms include the length of your addiction to drugs; the existence of co-occurring mental or physical health problems; the half-life of the drug to which you are addict; if you are addicted to more than one drug; and the number of drugs you consume.

What are the most common drug withdrawal symptoms?

The most common drug withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Those of a physical nature: this includes intense sweating, chills, tremors, runny nose, flu-like symptoms, and nausea
  • Sleeping problems: this includes suffering from insomnia and associated fatigue
  • Those of a psychological nature: this includes mood swings, agitation, and irritability
  • Cravings: you will likely experience intense cravings to continue using your drug of choice

The specific withdrawal symptoms you will experience will vary depending upon the type of drug to which you are addict. For instance, if you an alcoholic, you may also experience hallucinations and you may even suffer from a seizure. If you are addict to opiates, you might experience muscle ache, gastrointestinal problems, and bone/joint pain during your detox.

Although withdrawal symptoms vary according to the type of drug which you are addict, what is clear is that you will benefit from a medically assisted detox no matter which drug you are addicted to. At Shri Gks Rehabilitation Centre, we firmly believe your needs will be best served when you elect to undergo a detox programme at a drug detox clinic.

What are my drug detoxification options?

The term ‘drug detox’ is an umbrella phrase to capture a broad array of medical interventions designed to assist in coming off a range of legal and illegal drugs. A drug detox may take place in either an outpatient or inpatient environment:

  • Inpatient detox: when you undergo an inpatient detox, you will live in the rehab clinic whilst you come off drugs. Here, you will benefit from round-the-clock medical care. You no longer be in environment of drug use.
  • Outpatient detox: an outpatient detox takes place in your home. In this method you are highly likely to relapse because of access to drugs outside.

As stated above, you will experience powerful cravings whilst you detox. Having access to drugs whilst you experience cravings is too much of a temptation for most drug users

What happens during an opiate detoxification?

Many people seeking out the services of a drug detox clinic will do so because they are addicted to opiates. Subutex (buprenorphine) is partial opiate agonist may used in opiate detox. These allow the detox clinic the ability to slowly taper you off opiates without you experiencing highly discomforting withdrawal symptoms.

The recommended minimum amount of time to complete an opiate detox is two weeks. The precise amount of each case will depend upon the severity of your opiate addiction and duration of addiction. Some opiates, such as methadone, have a long half-life. In practical terms, this means it will take longer to detox off methadone compared to opiates with a shorter half-life.

What are the various methods for drug detoxification?

There currently exist many diverse methods when it comes to detoxing off drugs. No method can be considered ideal, and a full assessment must require out to confirm which of these methods is best suited to your unique needs.

Broadly speaking, drug detoxes fall into one of the below categories:

  • A social or ‘cold-turkey’ detox: At this time you come off drugs without using any medications to ease withdrawal symptoms. This lack of pharmacological input is rarely recommendable. Undergoing a cold turkey detox means you will unnecessarily suffer from a range of highly discomforting withdrawal symptoms.
  • A short-term detox: The time span of around 7-14 days in a rehab clinic so that you merely seek treatment for the physical aspect of drug addiction.
  • A long-term detox: In this a short-term detox is followed up by a robust programme of therapy and aftercare. This ensures the mental, as well as the physical aspect of drug addiction, receive ample treatment.

Is it possible to complete a home drug detoxification?

Many people will elect to undergo a drug detox from their own home. This detox is typically cold turkey in nature. This is because general practitioners are ever more unwilling to prescribe drugs intended to allow their patients to detox from home.

From our experience, undergoing a detox from home is highly inadvisable because it is generally unsafe to do, and you are highly likely to relapse during the course of a home detox. Furthermore, a home detox is very seldom backed up with therapy to treat the psychological aspects of addiction. For these reasons, we do not recommend you to undertake a drug detox from home.

How long does a drug detox last for?

A drug detoxification generally requires 7-14 days to complete. In practice, your drug detox programme should continue until all physical withdrawal symptoms have faded away. It’s also important to continue your drug detox until you are mentally strong enough to re-integrate into normal routine.

Is a drug detox enough for long-term recovery?

For the vast majority of people, merely undergoing a drug detox will not be enough preparation for long-term recovery. Addiction is predominately a psychological disease. A drug detoxification programme is design to treat the physical symptoms of addiction and not the mental cause of addiction itself.

In order to treat the mental aspect of drug addiction, it is important for you to continue treatment at a drug rehab clinic even once your detox is complete. Clients typically spend an additional fortnight in a drug rehab clinic in order to undertake a period of re-adjustment. To achieve this, all rehab clinics we recommend offer therapy and counselling sessions to meet this aim.

Therapy sessions you will benefit from during this time include:

  • Family therapy
  • One-to-one therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Educational workshops
  • Holistic therapies
  • Life skills and relapse prevention workshops

What are the benefits of a drug detoxification?

The benefits of attending a drug detoxification clinic are many. Below, we list some of the most prominent benefits you will receive when you invest in quality drug detox services:

  • Medical care during detox
  • Personalized detox and therapy plan
  • Psychiatric assistance
  • Aftercare & relapse prevention

Drug addiction education