The Importance of The Rehab to Home Transition Planning


The process of discharging an inpatient from the facility is also very vital. Here at “Shri GKS” rehab center our staff helps in planning release of a patient; they often referred to as a “team”. The team members include: the medical staff and clinical staff along with inpatients. The medical staff evaluates and finalizes the patient’s drug treatment progress. The clinical staff coordinates the delivery of any educational information necessary. We encourage the the individuals to seek help from support groups and services provided by them in local community. These are aftercare services and they should effectively address the patient’s particular condition (drug of abuse) or the combination of conditions (e.g. a dual-diagnosed client with a drug addiction and depression).

Following the instructions provided during discharge is instrumental for a successful recovery.

They are chosen according to each patient’s need and preferences such as:

  • Appropriate for culture and tradition.
  • Physique of a individual so that he/she keep in fit shape.
  • Family background.
  • Community strength.
  • Their primary and explicit aim because all his/her activity will design around that.
  • Recovery and inclusion in community life.

Please note that not all discharges are done after completion of a drug treatment program. Because occasionally an administrative discharge will occur as we exhaust our intervention efforts while trying to help a non-compliant client. Rest assured that termination of services are rare and reasons may include non-participation in groups/therapy, conflicts with staff/clients, threat of safety to staff/patients, etc.