How to Quit Drinking

The habit of drinking in our society today has become more embedded in our daily lifestyle than what it used to be five years ago. We may find ourselves in the grasp of this habit without even noticing the negative impacts of it in all aspects of our life. When the habit of drinking becomes an important part of your daily routine you will find yourself obsessed with drinking if you are not able to find a drink at that particular time of your schedule. If you are also experiencing the same issues in your life then it is the right time to get rid of this habit. “How to quit drinking” is a question which should be asked to oneself, since the key to give up any bad habit is self-control and will power. Alcohol consumption can be very dangerous therefore the effort invested in getting rid of the habit of drinking at early stages can be worthy.

There is no perfect answer to “How to quit drinking?” question. However, there are tips and techniques which you can apply and use in your life to quit drinking. 

  1. Tell your family and friends about your decision of quitting alcohol and request them to keep a check on you. This will make your commitment stronger as you don’t want them to see you lose. 

  2. Try to fill the extra time available at your hand with some physical activity like playing badminton, cricket or you can just hit the gym or fitness club. Therefore by little working out, you will have a good night’s sleep and there might be less chance of you missing alcohol.

  3. Try to avoid hanging around with the people who are heavy drinkers, especially when they drink.

  4. Keep yourself away from the temptation to have a drink. Particularly when you start quitting because the first two-three weeks are very crucial. 

  5. Identify conditions and circumstances that act as a trigger for your drinking. It is very much possible that you may involuntarily take a drink, so it is better to be prepared beforehand.

For any more questions about how to quit drinking, you can always go to Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship in your city. You can attend their daily meetings and from there you will certainly realize that you have taken the right decision to quit drinking.

The major change you will going to take note of is that your appetite will increase and you will have better digestion. Also, your immune system works better when you do not have alcohol in your system. The list of benefits of giving up this habit is endless.

You can also consult with your doctor about how to quit drinking. The doctor can prescribe you some medicines for your appetite and sleeping problems, which you are likely going to have in starting days of quitting alcohol. To quit alcohol is not an easy task to accomplish but it is not impossible. You just have to keep your morale high and if you want some motivation to keep working on how to quit drinking then please go through many stories on web and magazines about the devastating effects of alcohol in people’s life.  

It will be tough to get through with each day at the start but gradually it will become easier as you will adapt to new sleeping and eating patterns.  


How to Quit Drinking alcohol

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