Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy tool for addiction treatment, is the first form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). This therapy addresses emotions, irrational thinking, behavior and memories responsible for cravings. An individual is taught to intervene on these levels. REBT teaches to question or challenge pattern of thinking that are responsible for urge of taking drugs/alcohol. As an addict always try to justify the use of drugs for him/her self, this therapy enables the individual to think reasonably and question or challenge their thoughts rationally.

REBT works on three basic points

The extra pressure which individual put on him/her self to perform best.

When people are under influence of drugs/alcohol for prolonged time then they try to make the time wasted in those habits. As a result they in turn become more likely to relapse by not thinking rationally.

High expectation from others.

People who are in recovery process do not like to be criticized. They have high expectation from others; they tend to take other people comments or criticism in wrong way.

The irrational desire to get what they want.

In general recovering addicts or after recovery they have very strong but sometime irrational desire to achieve something. They tend to get angry or severely upset if not getting the thing that they were looking for. This situation can trigger cravings which may lead to relapse.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) works towards breaking down false or irrational beliefs that become reason for using drugs/alcohol.

It is impossible to break down anyone’s all beliefs because some of them are natural and inherent but we can break down beliefs which are responsible for addiction in three steps.

  1. Detect – one need to go to the roots of certain thought or feelings. If individual can think of the source of the feeling it can be better judged.
  2. Debate – once the source is identified, the thought can be compared with rather different or opposite point of view. Now after comparing thoughts on each level unbiased, one can get clear idea of the situation.
  3. Decide – the main of breaking down the belief is to decide whether it is correct or not. The best way to decide is by thinking of the consequences of that belief.

REBT helps the patients recovering from addiction by impressing upon following points. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy tool for addiction treatment

Acceptance of self and others

Acceptance of the world

Therapist work with the patient to evaluate feelings, thinking patterns and beliefs to determine whether those rational or not.

Nasha Mukti kendra Bhopal

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